Well, our first house we bought a little under 3 years ago about 3 months after we moved back from England. The plan was to live downtown somewhere that JM could get to and from work easily so he could see the boys in the morning and at dinner time. With our limited budget we basically had our choice of two houses one on Victoria Park just two blocks south of the station there or this one.
front of our house after the burgandy siding was taken off and the yellow and white porch was painted (for some reason I cant find a pic of it before, I will update it once it shows up somewhere)
The back of the house next to our garage neighbour. the front was covered in the same siding as the back. This was mid backyard fix up. we removed a shack from the middle of the property so there would be some yard.So with an 8 month old and myself 2 months pregnant with Daniel we took possession of this little gem :)

The hole we made in the master bedroom to fix the ductwork

JM taking out the old railing that wasnt going to save anyone from falling down

pretty new railing

sill success

our backyard mid reno with our former huge tree that fell on the house mid reno during a big storm (thats right it fell on the house smashing our landscaping tearing off siding, damaging windows, roof and part of our completed kitchen)

old front with some new planting

our old steps, one of the last things to get completed during the reno

mouse ridden, leaking old kitchen with some new floor

door to "the hole" as we referred to the basement

my lovely papa helping gut the kitchen
There are many stories related to this whole experience of renovating with babies while living in the project and many learning curves since we did most of it ourselves (professionals did the wiring, roof and some assistance on some of the plumbing) It all pulled together in the very end. We took a little over 2 1/2 years to finish it all getting the final portion of the siding on the front finished 2 weeks before we put it up for sale.

It took 4 days to sell and we now have a little over a month to find somewhere else to live :)
Have you ever been through a reno? any advice for us second time around?
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