Thursday, 2 May 2013

PLAYDATE: High park fun

  Today we had a fun playdate at my most favourite of parks, High Park.  We met up with our little friends at Castle park (Jamie Bell Playground)  after a round of the duck pond.  Im very proud of my two little tykes, they walked carefully around the whole pond staying nice and quiet so as not to disturb the ducks or the photographers trying to get some good shots of the birds.  

It was a stellar shorts and T-shirt sort of day. The only problem with shorts weather is the inevitable scraped knees and elbows. Both boys are fully covered in scrapes and bruises, its how I know they have been having fun.

 One of the many features of the park is the cherry blossoms, they aren't in full bloom yet but they will be in a few days.  We had a picnic by them and finished our journey taking our kiddos home through the grove.  Last year when I walked through there and they were in full bloom, the petals were falling down like a gentle pink rain.
If you get a chance to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom I fully recommend it.

WHAT I COOK: Braised Cabbage and Pork Chops

I made a coleslaw last week and had half a cabbage left over (I dont like using the whole thing, I find its too much slaw for our little family).  So I found a recipe for a sticky braised cabbage I figured I would give it a try.  It was SO. GOOD.  I paired it with pork chops fried with maple syrup on top and Broccoli.

I overcooked the broccoli a little because I was baying too much attention to the cabbage (and computer :( )

This I would say is the first time anyone has really gone for seconds for just the cabbage.  It has a great pickled taste due to the amount of balsamic vinegar in with it.

heres the recipe folks!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Summertime Tagliarini

It was only appropriate that with this summery weather (FINALLY) we had a summery dinner.  Summertime Tagliarini from my Cook with Jamie cook book.  It turned out just as I had hoped. It was amazingly fragrant and wonderfully light.

This picture isnt mine, but it turned out just like it.  I was too busy eating to remember to take a photo.